Guidance Counselors » Guidance Counselors

Guidance Counselors

Guidance Counselors

Every student has a Guidance Counselor who provides advice on programming as well as offering assistance on any personal or school problems. Each student is assigned to a spcific guidance counselor for their four years at Goldstein.  We have three guidance counselors so each counselor has one grade, and they share the fourth. 


Grades reflect class work, homework, projects, papers, examinations, participation and performance in each subject area. Absence, cutting, and excessive lateness will contribute to lower grades or failure due to lack of participation and work in class.

Report Cards

There are six marking periods for the annual classes. Grades for the first marking period are (A) indicating work in the range of 90% to 100%; (B) indicating work in the range of 80% to 90%; (C) 70% - 80%; (D) 60% - 65%; (F) below 65% and failure; and (Z) indicating insufficient work or participation for generating a grade. The grades for the remaining five marking periods are numerical. Work below a grade of 65% is failing.


In order to be promoted to the next grade at The Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences, freshmen must earn at least 8 credits by the end of their first year; sophomores must earn 20 credits by the end of their second year; and juniors must earn 28 credits by the end of their third year in order to be promoted to the senior year. Seniors must have earned 35 credits prior to the second half of their senior year to be eligible for graduation. The Guidance Department will send promotion-in-doubt letters to the parents of students who are failing subjects indicating mandatory summer school.

Class Ranking

Students are ranked by class average at the end of the junior year to provide college admissions offices with required information on academic performance. All subjects are included in the ranking except physical education. Honors, Advanced Placement and other college credit courses are ranked as 1.1 credits. Requirements at colleges and universities vary and these institutions may re-rank or re-compute students' scholastic ranking. For the City University of New York, only Regents level courses of English, math, social studies, foreign language and science as well as the highest grades of first year music and art are computed in the class ranking.

College Admissions

The College Advisor conducts seminars, parent conferences, and student interviews for information, advice, and counseling on college applications.

Community Service

Students may obtain community service credit for any on-campus and off-site activities in which they volunteer their time and talent to the community.  Additionally there are a number of in-school community service opportunities available for students. 


Students who have successfully completed all requirements for the high school diploma including coursework and standardized tests, will be permitted to attend graduation ceremonies. Violations of the Discipline Code may result in exclusion from all senior activities including graduation ceremonies.